Well I let myself get carried away again and decided my Lego Church required a Lego Parish so here we are:
Starter homes complete with window baskets and flowers.
Executive style home complete with garage, car, first floor balcony and garden for the dog and kennel. Afterwards I was looking around on the internet to see what other creative things people have been doing with lego and below are just two examples of what I found.
St. Benedict's Alpine Lego Church (make mine look like a small chapel).I have put together a slide show of the interior features of the church and included the simplist (yet effective) explanations that accompany them on the website.
Front Doors of the Alpine Lego Church
Above the doors of the Lego church is the inscription "AMDG". This is Latin for "ad majorem Dei gloriam", which means "for the greater glory of God." As you peek into the church, you can get a glimpse of the main altar.
Main Altar
As you look through the doors of the Lego church, you can see the main altar. This is the table where the Eucharistic Sacrifice is offered. During Mass, the bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus. Above the altar is a crucifix showing Jesus on the cross. The crucifix helps people remember that Jesus offered in the Eucharist is the same Jesus that was offered on the cross. At the foot of the crucifix is St. John and His mother Mary.
Bird's Eye View of the Lego Church
The roof of the Lego church is removable, allowing a good look into its interior.
Massive Beams
The beams holding up the roof are massive, but also ornate.
Floor Plan of the Lego Church
Click on this diagram to see some of the features of St. Benedict's Alpine Church.
This is a special box where the consecrated Eucharist is kept. Above the Tabernacle is a Monstrance. This is a beautiful container used on special occasions to hold and display the consecrated Eucharist. It is usually made of gold because nothing is too good for God.
Sanctuary Lamp
When the Sanctuary lamp is lit, it tells people entering the church that Jesus is present in the consecrated Eucharist located in the Tabernacle. To the left of the Paschal Candle you can see a statue of St. Benedict. This shows St. Benedict during the time that he lived as a hermit.
Paschal Candle, Baptismal Font and Altar Rail
The Paschal Candle is a large candle that signifies Christ's illuminating light. It is lit during the Easter season. The baptismal font is a basin that contains holy water that is used during baptism. Christians believe that baptism washes away our sin and makes us adopted brothers and sisters of Christ. During communion, the people kneel at the altar rail to receive the Eucharist from the priest. Just like our body needs food, our soul also needs food.
Priest's Chair
This is a chair where the priest sits during parts of the Mass. Altar severs sit on either side.
This is where the Gospel is proclaimed to the people.
St. Nicholas
This is a statue dedicated to St. Nicholas, who was a holy bishop known for his love of the poor and for children.
Statue of Mary Queen of Heaven
This is a statue dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. Catholics love and honor Mary because she is such a good example and because she is the Mother of God (that is, she is the Mother of Jesus, and Jesus is God).
Votive Candles
Here are some candles that people lit.
At the back of the church are stairs leading up to the balcony.
This balcony makes room for more people during Mass.
Stations of the Cross
Around the church are 14 crosses on the wall. They represent 14 scenes during the passion and death of Jesus.
Here is where people confess their sins to a priest. Jesus forgives their sins through the priest. Jesus gave his apostles the power to forgive sins and they passed it on to their successors, the bishops.
Stained Glass
This church has a stained glass window showing Jesus ascending into heaven. All you can see are his feet as He ascends into heaven.
I also came across this short video clip of the story of the Good Samaritian:
What kind of things do your children get up to (or perhaps it not your children but actually you - please do share).
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